6 Cozy Gatherings on a Budget

Are you familiar with the Nordic concept of hygge gatherings? The word hygge (pronounced “hyoo-gah”) was originally a Norwegian word which means well-being, perhaps from the word hygge which means hug. Today, hygge is a concept of comfort and coziness that creates a feeling of well-being and contentment. Hygge gatherings can involve candles, good food with good friends, reading an excellent book in front of a warm fire. Hygge gatherings heighten the sense of community and comfort focusing more on the people around you than the need to spend money. There isn’t one way to bring hygge to your days but here are a few ideas that could spark a new tradition among friends.  

Photo by Kelsey Chance

1. Stone Soup

It’s the end of the week and you have random halves of peppers, onions, or scrapings of seasonings. Invite your friends and combine those ingredients to make a soup or an inspired creation of your choice. It’s like the cooking show Chopped without time constraints and infinitely fancy pantries. 

2. Q&A

Questions and answers can be a quick and fun way to get to know each other more. Cut slips of scrap paper and have each person write a handful of questions. Put these in a hat or bowl and take turns passing in a circle. Use this as a time to understand what passions, aspirations, and interests fill the room and fuel your chosen family.

Photo by Neslihan Gunaydin

3. Craft Time

Crafts, activities, and ridiculousness. What’s a craft you’ve been dying to try? I’m sure your friends have pushed aside something they’ve been dreaming of doing too. You could try making plant terrariums, binding a book, creating cards, or learning to knit, maybe even attempt Princess Diaries’ dart-throwing at balloons filled with paint? Get creative and have fun.

Photo by Sarah Brown

4. Trash & Treasure

As the saying goes, one person’s trash is another’s treasure. Simplifying your space is important for well being but can also lead to inspiration from friends. Before donating your items, pick a few things, and let your friends rummage through. Do the same for them. They might be donating a coffee mug they never use but you’d really enjoy it. Their one too many pairs of yoga pants may be a great addition to liven up your workouts. A clothing swap captures the sharing spirit of Hygge.

5. TedTalk

You know those talks experts give focused on technology, education, and design that reinvigorate and inspire? Arrange an afternoon to find what your friends are experts on. Give each person 5 minutes to present, 5 minutes for questions, and a 5-minute break for themed snacks and beverages. It might lead to making tamales, travel hacks, fishing tips, or even to the analysis of the Mary Kate and Ashley twins. You will not only learn about new topics but more about your friends and their interests in a fun refreshed perspective.

Photo by Toa Heftiba

6. Bonfire

All you need is some stones, twigs, and smores to make a bonfire in your own backyard. You can also use a fireplace if you have one indoors. Gather your friends around a cozy fire, play games, tell stories and share laugher.

Whatever it is you decide to integrate into your social circles, let it be filled with intention and understanding. Wishing you many hygge filled days! Read more intentional self-care and wellness tips here.

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