10 Tips to Look and Feel Your Best During a Pandemic

Let’s not beat around the bush here: the last several months have sucked. Most of us have spent this time on an emotional rollercoaster full of stress, hope, and sheer boredom. The bad news is, it’s looking likely that we’ll be facing this struggle for at least a few more months. The good news? There’s a ton you can do to get through it and come out better than ever. 

For starters, keep your eye on Cleva Gal for all self-care tips and a reminder that you’re not alone in all this. Next, check out these 10 great ways to keep yourself feeling great through the tough times:

1. Eat Right 

Our bodies need a nutritious, balanced diet to work at their best. The simplest way to nail it is to make sure you’re eating plenty of fruits and veggies, getting enough protein, and enjoying those healthy fats. Fill your shelves with healthy options so you always have ingredients handy for a great meal. 

Photo by Derick Mckinney

2. Exercise Daily 

Surprise! Sitting at your desk all day is bad for you. Your brain, body, and soul all need to engage in joyful movement every day. Shoot for thirty minutes of exercise per day; keep yourself honest with a fitness tracker.

3. Hydrate 

Are you drinking enough water? Are you sure? The old “8 cups a day” rule doesn’t cut it anymore: the Mayo Clinic actually recommends women get closer to 12 cups a day. Get sipping!

Photo by Ruta Celma

4. Get Outside 

Yes, you should avoid crowded places right now, but that does not mean you should spend all day stuck inside. Cabin fever is no joke, and if you don’t get out, you’re going to drive yourself crazy. Hit up a local hiking trail and reconnect with nature. 

Photo by Park Street

5. Treat Your Skin Right 

On a related note, make sure you wear sunscreen while you become one with the Earth. Protecting your skin from UV rays and committing to a regular skincare routine will help you feel refreshed and look great. Try out these easy DIY facial mask recipes or check out these great natural facial masks on Amazon.

6. Dress to Impress

Yes, we know, it’s so tempting to stay in your pajamas all the time these days. As tempting as it is, however, it’s also super bad for your psyche. Getting dressed helps you feel confident and ready to go, even if you’re not going anywhere. Get out of bed and put on a cute outfit (even if it’s just for you and your dog).

7. Read a Book 

If you’ve fallen out of your reading habit, you’re far from alone. Getting back into it might just give you the boost you need right now. Reading a great book is an adventure, a chance to slip away into some other world, and an opportunity to learn something new. Plus, filling out your Goodreads list is so, so satisfying. 

Photo by Logan Weaver

8. Get Creative

If you’ve been curating a wall-art DIY Pinterest board or hoarding books about woodworking but have nothing to show for it, now’s the time to lean in. Embrace your creative side and see what you can do. Not only will you wind up with some neat stuff to show for it, but you might also just discover a hidden talent. 

Photo by Karsten Winegeart

9. Mute Social Media 

Did you know social media is really bad for us? Study after study has shown that scrolling down your feed just makes you feel anxious and bad about yourself. Ideally, we’d say just delete your pages, but we know that’s a big ask. Muting notifications, however, empowers you to create boundaries and check social on your terms.

10. Practice Mindfulness 

Finally, one of the absolute best things you can do for yourself right now is to start a mindfulness practice. Daily mindfulness is an extremely effective way to keep your mood stable and your mind calm. It’s hard at first, but after a while, you’ll start doing it when you’re not even trying. 

While the goal of mindfulness is to do it every day, it’s not always a simple transition. That’s why many experts recommend starting a weekly meditation practice first. The term “meditation” can be intimidating, but you can ease into it. Start by carving out 5 minutes a day three times a week. Try the introduction to mediation below:

  • Sit in a comfortable position (chair, couch, or floor works)
  • Take deep, conscious breaths, focusing only on breathing in and out
  • When your mind starts to wander don’t worry (it’s normal for your thoughts to drift)
  • Steer your concentration back to your breathwork

At first, it will be hard to focus through the full 5 minutes, but after a while, you’ll be able to go longer. The more you work on your mindfulness practice, the more you’ll be able to apply the skill of active focus to other areas of your life. For example, rather than stressing about a work deadline, you’ll enjoy the present moment you’re spending relaxing with your loved ones. This is an effective way to keep your mood stable and your mind calm.

Photo by Allison Christine

Lastly, you’ve got the stuff to get through this! Yes, it’s hard and yes, you may struggle along the way. Still, we believe in you and hope these tips make it a little easier. Remember: you’re not alone out there. 

Cleva Gal offers valuable tips and information to help you in your journey—connect often or subscribe to our community to get the latest tips.

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