10 Tips to Avoid Burnout

Okay, if you like to help others or are just unrealistic about your time like me, you’ve probably experienced burnout. Everyone says to “have balance,” but it’s easier said than done. How does one have “balance” when there are a hundred things to balance? I’ve been there one too many times only to find out that trying to do everything is not healthy, but how do we fix it? We’ve got to be aware that it’s a habit first, so congrats you’re already on your way to recovery. Next, we’ve got to check-in with good habits to prevent it. Don’t wait until you’re overwhelmed and it’s too late, try these 10 tips and prevent a meltdown.

Friends gift from Tenor

1. Friendly Check-ins

Find a friend who will be your check-in partner. Ask them to check in on you once a week or once a month and do the same for them. It can also be a fun excuse to keep in touch with a close friend. You can go to coffee once a week or just squeeze in a quick video chat. Talking to a friend can provide support and awareness. If you need tips on what questions to ask to avoid burnout, read more here.

2. Add joy to your life

Do something once a day that brings you joy. It can be small and simple like watching a funny cat video, blowing bubbles, or just splurging on your favorite muffin and latte in the morning. Whatever it is, add in the intention to do something that brings a small bit of joy to your day.

3. Know your limits

Take a pause, reflect, and identify what your breaking point is. Each person is different, so understand what is right for you. We all have our blind spots so if you’re having trouble identifying your limits, ask your brutally honest friends and family in what areas of your life you take on too much. Just be prepared to resist your initial reaction of defensiveness and remember you’re asking for awareness so you can build healthier habits.

4. Rest when you need it

Next, is a simple concept, but an easy one to forget. Rest. I realized that self-care isn’t only about face masks and bubble baths, Self-care starts with resting when you’re tired. It’s so unhealthy that the cultural norm is to push ourselves past our limits. My immediate response when I get tired is, “I need coffee!” It didn’t even occur to me that when my body is tired it’s telling me I need to rest. Society pressures us to be so productive that it makes us feel guilty for self-care, but don’t feel guilty for taking care of you. Takes your adult naps!

5. Change your environment

This can be done in different ways. Maybe it means just leaving your house. Maybe it means getting away from people that bring you down. Maybe it means taking a well-deserved vacation far far away. Whatever your budget and time allow for, be intentional about changing your environment if you are feeling overwhelmed.

Gif by Meghan Trainor from the music video NO

6. Say NO

Just like in Meghan Trainor’s music video, learn to say “no!” Saying no is essential to conserving your energy. That includes physical, mental, and emotional energy. Saying no to things creates time for you to take care of you. As the saying goes, “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” Check-in with what you’ve committed to for the next week, and say “no” to anything that doesn’t align with your values or if you just don’t want to do it.

7. Make time for free time & hobbies

Do something at least once a week that you enjoy that doesn’t relate to work. What is something you loved to do in the best that you haven’t done in months or years? What is something you want to try, but have never made time for? It could be reading, painting, happy hour, or napping. It can be any activity that helps you unwind or feel happy.

8. Move your body

Exercise is often associated with losing weight, but that’s not the goal here. The goal here is to help your mind and body feel good. Mental and physical health are related, that’s why it’s important to regularly move your body to stay healthy and happy. Regular exercise can improve your mood, sleep, productivity, and reduce anxiety and depression.

9. Mindfulness & Meditation

Research shows that practicing mindfulness meditation can reduce stress and increase your ability to think clearer. Our minds often wander worrying about the past or planning for the future, practicing mindfulness techniques can rest and settle the mind. Studies claim that 8 in 10 Americans experience stress in their daily lives and have a hard time relaxing their bodies and calming their minds. Practicing mindfulness reduces stress and anxiety, improves attention and memory, and promotes self-regulation and empathy. Here are some tips to get started on practicing mindfulness and meditation

1.Find a quiet space. Using a cushion or chair, sit up straight and allow your head and shoulders to rest comfortably

2.Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and relax. Feel the fall and rise of your breath in your chest. Don’t control the breath; follow its natural flow.

3. Notice thoughts and let them pass. Distractions will try to pull your attention away from the breath. Gently return your focus to your breath.

4. Practice daily for the maximum benefit. 20 minutes twice a day is recommended, but try 10 minutes a day if you don’t have enough time.

10. Ask for help

This is the step I struggle with most. I was raised to be an “independent woman.” Doesn’t asking for help go against those values? The short answer is – no. The long answer is more complicated. One of the downfalls of being an independent friend means that no one checks on you. The problem with being too independent is there is no balance and you don’t have people to depend on when you need it. What happens when you are overloaded and no one is checking on you? It creates a ticking time bomb to explode from being overwhelmed! This ties back to knowing your limits. And if you don’t know your limits, you’ll need help with emotional support.

How can you fix this? Learn to ask for help in the areas you struggle the most. Honestly, asking for help is still scary to me, so it helps me to start with small asks. You can start with something as simple as, “Can I get your advice?” Eventually, you can work your way up to, “I’ve been feeling really overwhelmed lately. Can we talk? I’m really needing some emotional support right now.”

You now have 10 ways to prevent burnout, try out 2-3 to get started. And share the love and check on a friend today.

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