10 Reasons to Travel Alone

A solo venture can reinvigorate the soul and cleanse the spiritual palate for new perspectives. It doesn’t have to be an extravagant two-month stint or even a full week. Take an afternoon, a day, or a weekend to travel by yourself. Sketch a rough plan of something you have wanted to see around your city or a nearby town you’ve been curious to explore. Or don’t. Maybe just pick a direction, drive/bike/walk for an hour or two. Here are ten reasons to get out and solo travel.

1. Comfort in Discomfort

There will be moments where you will be uncomfortable. Sitting in a restaurant alone has a certain stigma in our society. Embrace the glances and be confident. Bring a book to read for the first few times until you feel that comfort within yourself becomes more powerful than the passing judgments. 

2. Refreshed Perspective

We are creatures of comfort and a certain level of routine proves to be healthy. However, sometimes this repetitive lifestyle can become stagnant. Breaking out of the day to day and seeing other ways of life can bring vigor back to your day that you may not have otherwise been aware of. 

3. Independence

You’ll find when you’re the one making the plan, things go awry and it’s up to you and only you to find a solution. There’s no finger-pointing because you’re the one to take accountability and solve for it. Your stories will be better in spite of it. 

4. Growth

Walking away from routine may showcase insecurities or hesitancies that didn’t surface previously. Facing these internal battles gives an opportunity for growth. Take a journal and reflect. 

5. Openness

Being with another person or a group puts up a wall intentionally or not because there’s a sense of community already established. You’ll find when you are by yourself, conversations with locals become much more fluid. 

6. Community

Those conversations will start with familiar strangers and end with a sense of community you may not have had before. You may never talk to or see that person again but your perspective will be richer because of it. If you do find connections despite the distance, you have expanded your community and network. 

7. Surrender

You may not get to see everything on your list. You will never be able to see everything this world has to offer. That is ok. Be present in your experiences and accept that yours will never be the same as someone else’s. 

8. Going with the Flow

Make a rough plan of things you’d like to do but don’t make an itinerary. Heightened expectations can lead to disappointment. Try waking up and pursuing what your mind wants and body needs. Take it one instinctual idea at a time.

9. Patience

 Travel is a lot of sightseeing, walking, riding, and sensual overload. It also inherently has wait times, cancellations, delays, and unexpected changes. Patience takes practice, and you’ll be a stronger person because of it. 

10. Joy

Getting to the heart of what you want to see and do. When you’re by yourself making your plan and seeking interests of yours, you only answer to yourself. There’s no pull or tug for straying from what truly gives you joy. 

Go on a trip, listen to what you need, trust your judgment while being aware of your surroundings, and discover more about yourself. Ready to pack your bags and go? Check out this list of 20 unexpected awesome solo destinations for female travelers.

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